IATA Accredited since 1983



Flight Details

    Full-name of contact person/organiser

    First Name


    Preferred class of travel

    Names of passengers travelling in Group
    Tick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 yearsTick if this passenger is an infant under 2 years

    For Groups of 9 and above please contact us on [telephone number] or sales@mishatravels.com

    Departure Date

    Departure city

    Arrival city

    Return Date

    Preferred airline(s)



    Are you travelling for business or for leisure?

    Do you require accommodation?

    Extra Details/Request Box?

    You don't have permission to register